Are you missing a marketing opportunity by not offering “dyed” low sulfur diesel? Are you concerned about the potential of dye contamination in you taxable fuels? We have solved this problem. You can eliminate the risk of dye contamination to the low sulfur line by installing a Titan Flush ®Block. The flush block is designed so that you can offer both dyed and un-dyed fuels through the same load arm.
You no longer have to accept downgraded or non-compliant diesel fuel. The field tested Titan Flush ®Block from Titan Industries, Inc. provides an economical and effective method for eliminating red dye contamination. The unique fluid channel design removes all potential contamination risks, effectively eliminating the need for elaborate by-pass systems, redundant pressure relief valves and isolated red dye arms. The Flush Block is easy to install and is available as an “add-on” to existing piston panels, electronic injectors and PLC systems.